Our production centres
Ferral del Bernesga
Huevos León Integrated Poultry Complex
After 50 years of experience in the poultry sector, in the first decade of the 21st century the “Huevos León integrated Poultry complex” emerges, allowing the production of chicken meat to be closed at Ferral del Bernesga (León).
A modern complex prepared for challenges of the 21st century:
Feed and selection of cereal factory.
Three complexes of chicken farms.
Production and logistics centre for poultry products and derivatives:
- Centre for the birds and rabbits slaughter
- Cutting room
- Semi-elaborated and elaborated products
- Egg storage, poultry products and derivatives
- Frozen warehouse
Tel: 987 31 98 88
Fax: 987 28 51 52
Ctra. León-Carrizo (LE-441) Km 8,5
24282 Ferral del Bernesga
LEÓN – Spain
Malillos de los Oteros
Laying hens Poultry Complex and Classification Centre
In 2017, the construction of the egg-sorting centre that serves the poultry farms of Malillos de los Oteros (León) is started. In this way, the origins of the company (hence its name) were taken up by very small family farms, for subsequent classification and sale. And the interest on the part of the company to control all the productive processes from the origin. Another modern poultry complex prepared for the challenges of the 21st century in the egg industry:
Otro complejo avícola moderno y preparado para los retos del siglo XXI en la industria del huevo:
Farms of laying hens.
Egg classification centre.
Tel: 987 28 53 98
Fax: 987 28 51 52
Parcela 94 del polígono 102
Malillos de los Oteros
LEÓN – Spain
Seal of value
In Huevos León, we offer the professionals of the sector, products that contribute to our values and professionalism:
- Personal treatment, fast and safe delivery with attention to detail.
- For Huevos León, luck is to take care of detail.
- Human and experienced team of workers in perfectly structured departments.
- We offer developed products to obtain a high quality level in production, development and distribution.
- "If you think that all chickens are the same, we want to meet you"